Folies de la beauté . abcd, une collection d’art brut

abcd une collection d'art brut

Folies de la beauté. abcd, une collection d’art brut, exh. cat. [Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, musée Campredon abcd, 8th  July – 22nd October 2000], Paris, abcd and Actes Sud, 2000. Texts by Bernard Capelier, Bruno Decharme, Christian Delacampagne, Claudia Dichter, Régis Gayraud, Jean-Louis Lanoux, Estelle Lemaître, Gérard Macé, Barbara Safarova and Béatrice Steiner.

This collective work, divided into three parts, presents the richness and complexity of art brut. The first part presents the works of eighty authors, the second is devoted to biographies. The third part is a kind of a diary, a reflection in the form of an alphabet book, confronting viewpoints of art historians, writers, philosophers, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, shedding new light on the many facets of the subject.

378 pages