RODIA simon

Simon Rodia was born in Italy and emigrated to the USA at the age of fifteen. He became a mason. During his free time, he built in Watts, a part of Los Angeles, a sort of cathedral in the form of a boat. After 30 years of relentless labour, often mocked and abused, he left for good.  

2 minutes 50 seconds . HD cam . French – English . Roselyne Petit c/o GLpipa . Telecinema / Anne Szymcowiak c/o GLpipa . Image Treatment / Rasto Simocko c/o UPP . Music / Alain Mouysset . Lyrics & Singing / Fanny Castelli . Executive Production / Barbara Safarova . With the help of: Nicolas Batailler, Marie-Laure Bonduel, Jean-Michel Fleury, Jean-Louis Lanoux, Kiyoko Lerner, Jennifer Pinto Safian . Production abcd 2003