DOS SANTOS gabriel joaqim

Gabriel Joaquim Dos Santos worked his entire life in a salt plant and devoted the rest of his time to building, to the glory of God, a sanctuary from pieces recovered in the trash of his village.

2 minutes 20 seconds . 4 minutes . 10 minutes . HD cam . French – English . Roselyne Petit c/o GLpipa . Telecinema / Anne Szymcowiak c/o GLpipa . Image Treatment / Rasto Simocko c/o UPP . Music / Alain Mouysset . Lyrics & Singing / Fanny Castelli . Executive Production / Barbara Safarova . With the help of: Nicolas Batailler, Marie-Laure Bonduel, Jean-Michel Fleury, Jean-Louis Lanoux, Kiyoko Lerner, Jennifer Pinto Safian . Production abcd 2003