Seminar on Art Brut . Proceedings 1


SAFAROVA, Barbara (ed.), Seminar on Art Brut. Proceedings 1: What Does Art Brut Speak About? Paris, abcd and the Collège International de Philosophie, 2012.

Facing normopathic bombardment of images – often obscene – that surround us and that claim to define any form of identity, can works of art brut offer an escape, an anchor, a possible direction for our quest for truth and meaning? When confronted with some of them we are seized by emotion, close to dizziness, we experience apprehension, sometimes anxiety at a “gruesome discovery” that we cannot define, as it echoes the unspeakable in the living being. At the same time, we are blown away, fascinated by their saving power, which seems to give us access to some form of universal knowledge, close to “enlightenment.” What kind of knowledge is it? Works of art brut undoubtedly have a subversive power; can we therefore consider them as a counter-culture? Thanks to several presentations, the seminar proposes to reflect on this concept.

Barbara Safarova, Introduction, “Œuvres d’art brut: ‘machines de la mort’, ‘machines à épiphanies’”
Philippe Dagen, “Marcel Réja: L’Art chez les Fous
Céline Delavaux, “L’art brut n’est pas l’’art des fous’”
Baptiste Brun, “De L’homme du commun à l’Art Brut et retour”
Bruno Montpied, “Art populaire et art brut. Quelques éléments de comparaison”
Lise Maurer, “Le grand jeu bleu de Laure Pigeon”
Béatrice Steiner, “De quoi parle l’art brut?”
Manuel Anceau, “L’art brut: une contre-culture?”

in French

160 pages

Price: 29€