1954 . martinique

Pascal Jacquens invented a revolutionary savings system, “saving secrets”, as he calls them, which allow everyone to save money. They are intended primarily to help the “can’t’s” but also allow the “can’s” to enrich themselves. The complex formulas he has developed — to which he alone has the key — can net millions. He writes down his “saving secrets” in charts and notebooks of different shapes.

Pascal Jacquens was born in Martinique in 1954. Coming from a family of four children, he was the only boy.  An academic failure, he decided to enlist in the army. He was eventually hired by a cleaning company. To help his friends who complained that they could not save money, he came up with the idea of ​​developing “saving secrets”. A cleaning company placed him in the School of Fine Arts; this was the beginning of a new life, in which he flourished. He would work there more than seventeen years. Having suffered from a serious back injury as a result of a work accident, he was forced to leave and retire. The school never considered Pascal Jacquens only as a cleaning man; he was admired by some as a unique artist who had his place there.