ANONYMOUS . france (13) . zorro, known as

The author of these photographs remains completely unknown.

“For nearly thirty years, a man indulged in the game of photographic duplications. In the privacy of his apartment, he staged the scene, disguising himself and taking pictures, in a tireless repetition of the operation. It doesn’t matter if the photographic image looks homemade and clumsy or the way others might look at it. Through the artifice of staging and photographic recording, he gives shape to his fantasy, invents himself as a hero and enjoys himself.
This set, made up of a hundred photographs taken between 1940 and 1970, was found in an envelope carefully kept out of sight to this day. In the absence of any information on the author’s identity, we spontaneously called him Zorro, the man with the whip, letting the images speak.”
Marion et Philippe Jacquier (La galerie lumière des roses)

It does not seem to matter to the artist that the photographic composition might look clumsy nor what the viewers would see.