ANONYMOUS . france (11) .

Amazing manuscript of 386 pages illustrated with 89 drawings based on a draft model of notarial act dated 1673, 1674 and 1675. The fact that the work has been affected by the passage of time, humidity as well as gnawed on (without, however, any damage to the texts and images) makes its rescue especially powerful. The(unknown) author indulges in a graphic delirium that is not comparable to any existing model, revealing a personal project animated by fever. Transgressing the normed calligraphy of the time — the scribes had to follow a precise style which made the text readable to all — he renders his text as beautiful as practically illegible. He divides it to organize it into geometric shapes and sometimes uses existing models such as large anthropomorphic initials, which he immediately abandons to leave room for abundant imagination. The manuscript is loaded with fantastic figures, often diabolical or tortured.  Its author seems to delight in the decomposition of traditional typography. “The strange beauty of this manuscript, as anachronistic as it is visionary and transgressive, is one of the most disturbing discoveries that has been made in recent years,” testifies a 17th century manuscript expert.